Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Holy Cow It Is April 23rd!

We have had so much amazing things happen in the last 5 months from the last post.

January - what did we do?  Lots and lots of sledding.  Oh and Jr. started his ski lessons.  More on that later.  We have the best sledding hill just outside of our front door.  Whenever the kids get too crazy, I just toss them outside.  Boom, sledding.  The hard part is keeping the snow.  February - nothing and now that April is here - snow EVERYWHERE.  The boys love being outside and I work very hard to get them the fresh air and cold faces they need to be happy.  Luckily Jr.'s pre-school kicks them outside twice a day unless it is COLD.  Oh and Jr. got bit by an alligator.  He came close to getting stitches - Dr. Frank was able to close it up with butterfly bandages, but there will be a scar. 

February - more ski lessons and then the sickness.  It is like the lack of sunshine, the lack of vitamin D took us out.  It all started with Jr. getting the flu.  Then Graham.  Then Jr. again and Graham with pinkeye and finally Ed and I got it.  The entire month, just sick sick sick.  We still snuck in some ski lessons.  Ed Jr. took three private lessons, and by the end of the third lesson he was ready for the chairlift.  Graham is EXCITED to try skiing, and maybe it will happen this year... maybe. Jr. can now ski with his parents and we are excited.  This is the next step that Ed and I have been working for with these boys - where we can do our activities with them.  We even took an amazing trip with the Moogs to the Bitterroot, the boys slept and adapted to the trip.  It was awesome.  It is still hard getting out of the door, but it is getting easier.

March - more skiing and we did sneak in some ice fishing, but we all got skunked.  Graham even got out once.  He loved it, but the wind blew him down...  He hates the wind.

Jr. took some swimming lessons at the Broadwater.  He tried so very hard and learned a lot.  He is close to learning to swim.  We just need to spend some time in the water with him.  Graham also wants to learn to swim.  Graham will be so much easier to teach because he wants to keep up with his brother. 

April marked the beginning of soccer season for Jr.  He is on the Octopus team.  They are a rowdy bunch of all boys again this year.  Jr. scored the first goal of the season and had many assists.  Graham couldn't hardly keep his kicking feet off of the field. 

We spent a weekend in Great Falls to celebrate Jr.'s 5th birthday with Nanny, Papa, Faith and Uncle Bean.  The boys had a blast.  We got Jr. his new birthday bike, shot some stuff in a shooting gallery, ran around and celebrated with Jr.'s very first Orange Julius. 

As for Jr.'s birthday, it is turning into a week long celebration of 5 year old boy.  The trip to Great Falls, his date with Cissie, his actual birthday, our trip to Kellogg, ID this weekend with the Moogs.  It is quite the monumental occasion.  I for one cannot believe that we have a five year old.  I can't believe for one that five years ago was so long ago and at the same time it seems like yesterday.  Five years is longer than I have held any job, it is half as long as I have lived in Helena and half as long as Ed and I have been dating.  Ed and I are absolutely enchanted with the guy he is becoming.  He loves to hunt, ride bikes, play outside, read books about superheros and boss his brother. 

We registered him for kindergarten, he is excited to go to Kessler School this fall.  He has a crew of boys at his school who are his best friends.  They all race, push, shove and hug all day.  They can't leave without hugging goodbye and know everything about each others lives.  There is no baby left in that little boy body.  He is so tall and skinny, but you can see his muscles forming.  He is fast and strong.  We work daily on skills like listening and not goading his brother, but he is a helpful, fun loving, sweet boy.  Ed and I constantly tell him what a good boy he is.

Graham, well, he is two.  If I would have written this in January or February, my words about him would not be as kind.  He is definitely turning a corner.  He is getting sweeter.  He needs attention.  It is when we aren't giving him our undivided attention that he gets into trouble.  When his brother is ignoring him to watch TV is when he tackles him or hits him with a toy.  If you just give him your undivided attention and get excited about Cars books, toys or stickers, then he is charming and sweet.  He is still full of affection and love.  He gives out hugs and kisses freely and says sorry often.  Boy is he using his little voice though, he talks constantly, about EVERYTHING and he won't be ignored.  He lectures us on the dangers of eating too much sugar - it makes your tummy hurt.  About how you shouldn't climb on rocks - you can hit your head.  He is a funny little guy, for as much as his brother is serious, he is the jester. 

I would like to spend the end of this writing a little letter to my newly 5 year old boy.

Dear Ed Jr. I am proud of you.  We work so hard with you to teach you how to write your letters, spell, sound out words, count and do math.  We also try to help you learn to navigate social situations.  I want you to learn and grow, but I also want you to be yourself.  You are a bright, energetic, funloving boy who is so curious about the world.  I can't wait to see how you grow and learn this year in kindergarden.  I can't wait to play with you this summer, to hike to the top of Mt. Helena, catch a ton of fish, camp, swim, boat and just splash in the water.  I love you.  You are my best friend.  Happy Birthday!

Love - Mom.





1 comment:

Liesel said...

Now it is August 14th. Just sayin.